WeatherFresnelSet (Fallout4)
Represents a set of weather fresnel power for each of the eight parts of the day: early dawn, dawn, late dawn, day, early dusk, late dusk and night.
Name Description
float Dawn Gets or sets the weather fresnel power during the dawn.
float Day Gets or sets the weather fresnel power during the day.
float Dusk Gets or sets the weather fresnel power during the dusk.
float EarlyDawn Gets or sets the weather fresnel power during the early dawn.
float EarlyDusk Gets or sets the weather fresnel power during the early dusk.
float LateDawn Gets or sets the weather fresnel power during the late dawn.
float LateDusk Gets or sets the weather fresnel power during the late dusk.
float Night Gets or sets the weather fresnel power during the night.

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