Name Description
Types Defines types that may be used in several contexts, e.g. when declaring Script properties and when specifying the type of a Global Variable.
Constants (Fallout4)
Name Description
WeatherSoundTypes Defines the types of weather sounds.
Name Description
Color Represents a color definition.
TimeColor Represents a color at a certain point in time.
TimeFloat Represents a floating point value at a certain point in time.
Fields (Fallout4)
Name Description
WeatherAlphaSet Represents a set of alpha channel for each of the eight parts of the day: early dawn, dawn, late dawn, day, early dusk, late dusk and night.
WeatherCloudLayer Represents one of the 32 layers of clouds.
WeatherColorSet Represents a set of weather colors for each of the eight parts of the day: early dawn, dawn, late dawn, day, early dusk, late dusk and night.
WeatherFresnelSet Represents a set of weather fresnel power for each of the eight parts of the day: early dawn, dawn, late dawn, day, early dusk, late dusk and night.
WeatherSound Represents a weather sound of certain type.
WeatherSoundCollection Represents a collection of WeatherSounds.
Name Description
Form Represents a form the type of which is either unknown, unsupported or unresolved. To convert an unknown form to a specific form use the appropriate extension method. Properties and methods provided by this class are available to all forms.
FormCollection Represents a collection of forms. A collection may contain mixed form types or only forms of a specific type. To filter and convert a mixed collection to a specific form collection use the appropriate extension method.
Forms (Fallout4)
Name Description
Aoru Represents an Activation Rule form. This form is a work in progress.
Flst Represents a Form List form.
Gdry Represents a God Rays form. This form is a work in progress.
Glob Represents a Global Variable form.
Gmst Represents a Game Setting form.
Imad Represents an Image Space Adapter form.
Imgs Represents an Image Space form.
Kywd Represents a Keyword form.
Rfct Represents a Visual Effect form. This form is a work in progress.
Sndr Represents a Sound Reference form. This form is a work in progress.
Spgd Represents a Shader Particle Geometry form. This form is a work in progress.
Stat Represents a Static form. This form is a work in progress.
Wthr Represents a Weather form.
Name Description
Debug Provides methods that may assist during development and troubleshooting.
Forms Provides methods that can be used to look up and retrieve any available forms.
Math Provides useful mathematical functions.