Provides methods that can be used to look up and retrieve any available forms.
Name Description
Form Find(uint) Retrieves the form which has the specified Form ID, in the main plugin, or returns null if no such form could be found.
Form Find(string) Retrieves the form which has the specified Editor ID, or returns null if no such form could be found. If more forms share the specified Editor ID, the form loaded or created last will be retrieved.
Form Find(string,uint) Retrieves the form which has the specified Form ID and belongs to the specified plugin, or returns null if no such form could be found.
FormCollection FindAll() Retrieves all forms that are currently available.
FormCollection FindAllHavingTag(string) Retrieves all forms that have been tagged with the specified text. If no forms have been tagged with the specified text the returned collection will be empty.

Method Forms.FindAll() will retrieve a huge number of forms and on its own is not very practical and iterating such a huge list is not very effective. This method is used as a starting point in a chain of filtering methods that are used to retrieve a more specific set of forms instead.

While any form can be retrieved through the Forms helper, keep in mind they cannot be modified. They can only be tagged or assigned as a reference or its parts copied to the properties of the Target form.

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