Wthr (Fallout4)
Represents a Weather form.
Name Description
WeatherColorSet AmbientColorsX1 Gets the colors of the ambient light in the negative X-axis direction.
WeatherColorSet AmbientColorsX2 Gets the colors of the ambient light in the positive X-axis direction.
WeatherColorSet AmbientColorsY1 Gets the colors of the ambient light in the negative Y-axis direction.
WeatherColorSet AmbientColorsY2 Gets the colors of the ambient light in the positive Y-axis direction.
WeatherColorSet AmbientColorsZ1 Gets the colors of the ambient light in the negative Z-axis direction.
WeatherColorSet AmbientColorsZ2 Gets the colors of the ambient light in the positive Z-axis direction.
bool AuroraFollowsSun Gets or sets the value which determines whether the aurora follows the sun.
IEnumerable<WeatherCloudLayer> CloudLayers Retreives an enumerable collection of all cloud layers which can be iterated using a foreach construct.
IEnumerable<WeatherColorSet> Colors Retreives an enumerable collection of colors of all components which can be iterated using a foreach construct.
Gdry DawnGodRays Gets or sets the God Rays used during the dawn.
Imgs DawnImageSpace Gets or sets the Image Space used during the dawn.
Gdry DayGodRays Gets or sets the God Rays used during the day.
Imgs DayImageSpace Gets or sets the Image Space used during the day.
Gdry DuskGodRays Gets or sets the God Rays used during the dusk.
Imgs DuskImageSpace Gets or sets the Image Space used during the dusk.
Gdry EarlyDawnGodRays Gets or sets the God Rays used during the early dawn.
Imgs EarlyDawnImageSpace Gets or sets the Image Space used during the early dawn.
Gdry EarlyDuskGodRays Gets or sets the God Rays used during the early dusk.
Imgs EarlyDuskImageSpace Gets or sets the Image Space used during the early dusk.
string EditorId Gets or sets the Editor ID associated with this form.
bool EffectsAlwaysVisible Gets or sets the value which determines whether the Weather effects are always visible.
float FogDayFar Gets or sets the far fog distance during the day.
float FogDayMax Gets or sets the maximum fog distance during the night.
float FogDayNear Gets or sets the near fog distance during the day.
float FogDayPow Gets or sets the power of fog distance during the day.
float FogNightFar Gets or sets the far fog distance during the night.
float FogNightMax Gets or sets the maximum fog distance during the night.
float FogNightNear Gets or sets the near fog distance during the night.
float FogNightPow Gets or sets the power of fog distance during the night.
float FogUnknown1 Gets or sets an unknown fog parameter.
float FogUnknown10 Gets or sets an unknown fog parameter.
float FogUnknown2 Gets or sets an unknown fog parameter.
float FogUnknown3 Gets or sets an unknown fog parameter.
float FogUnknown4 Gets or sets an unknown fog parameter.
float FogUnknown5 Gets or sets an unknown fog parameter.
float FogUnknown6 Gets or sets an unknown fog parameter.
float FogUnknown7 Gets or sets an unknown fog parameter.
float FogUnknown8 Gets or sets an unknown fog parameter.
float FogUnknown9 Gets or sets an unknown fog parameter.
uint FormId Gets the Form ID associated with this form.
WeatherFresnelSet FresnelPowers Gets the Fresnel powers.
bool IsCloudy Gets or sets the value which determines whether this weather is cloudy.
bool IsPleasant Gets or sets the value which determines whether this weather is pleasant.
bool IsRainy Gets or sets the value which determines whether this weather is rainy.
bool IsSnowy Gets or sets the value which determines whether this weather is snowy.
Gdry LateDawnGodRays Gets or sets the God Rays used during the late dawn.
Imgs LateDawnImageSpace Gets or sets the Image Space used during the late dawn.
Gdry LateDuskGodRays Gets or sets the God Rays used during the late dusk.
Imgs LateDuskImageSpace Gets or sets the Image Space used during the late dusk.
Color LightningColor Gets or sets the color of the lightning during this Weather.
Gdry NightGodRays Gets or sets the God Rays used during the night.
Imgs NightImageSpace Gets or sets the Image Space used during the night.
float PrecipitationBeginFadeIn Gets or sets the point of transition into this Weather when the precipitation begins.
float PrecipitationEndFadeOut Gets or sets the point of transition from this Weather when the precipitation ends.
Spgd PrecipitationParticle Gets or sets the Shader Particle Geometry used to render rain or snow.
FormCollection<Stat> SkyStatics Gets or sets the collection of Static objects which make up the sky dome of this Weather.
WeatherSoundCollection Sounds Gets or sets the collection of sounds associated with this Weather.
WeatherColorSet SpecularColors Gets the specular lighting colors.
float SunDamage Gets or sets the multiplier of the damage caused by the sun to vampires.
float SunGlare Gets or sets the sun glare intensity for this Weather.
float ThunderBeginFadeIn Gets or sets the point of transition into this Weather when the lightnings begins.
float ThunderEndFadeOut Gets or sets the point of transition from this Weather when the lightnings ends.
float ThunderFrequency Gets or sets the frequency of lightnings. The lesser value the more often lightnings occur.
float TransDelta Gets or sets the transition delta of this Weather.
float Unknown1 Gets or sets an unknown value in the DATA segment.
Rfct VisualEffect Gets or sets the Visual Effect for this Weather.
float WindDirection Gets or sets the angle that specified the wind direction.
float WindDirectionRange Gets or sets the angle that specifies the allowed deviation of wind direction.
float WindSpeed Gets or sets the speed of wind for this Weather.
Name Description
WeatherCloudLayer GetCloudLayer(int) Retrieves the specified cloud layer (0-28).
WeatherColorSet GetColors(int) Retrieves the colors which define thespecified component of this Weather (0-18).
bool HasTag(string) Determines whether this form has been tagged with the specified text.
void Tag(string) Tags this form with the specified text.
The meaning of unknown properties is not known so use them with caution. Unknown properties will be removed and replaced with proper properties as soon as more information is available.

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